Norway has a stable political environment and transparent business processes. 'Ease of doing business Index 2017' ranked 6th. Norway is a part of the EEA agreement.
Norwegian law mandating 40% representation of women in corporate boards to secure gender equality.
In Cloud computing strategy 2016, The State Government has focused on business and competence development, digitalisation and innovation for public and private enterprises in the ICT sector.
Norway continuously produces green energy through hydropower and committing to do so to secure future renewable energy sources. The joint Norwegian-Swedish electricity certificate scheme is intended to boost renewable electricity production in both countries. The goal is to increase electricity production based on renewable energy sources by 26.4 TWh by 2020.
Norway imposes a rate of 25% tax on ordinary income. The Norwegian Government proposes electricity tax at a reduced rate of 0.0048 NOK per kWh for companies with data storage as main business and outlets over 5 MW. The government is continuously working to make sure that Norway offers competitive conditions for data centre industry.